Naturally when online education in India is not matured enough we cannot expect much from online examinations in India. There has been a proposal to develop national online examination system in India. This proposal makes sense as the traditional paper oriented manual examination system is time consuming, inefficient, and unfriendly to the environment. Even corruption is wide prevalent in the conventional educational system of India. The online examination system will pave the way for a clean, fair, fast and efficient examination and evaluation process in India.
The system would also allow and specified examination to be conducted from multiple locations spread over the country over multiple slots spread over many days. The system permits the candidate to select the date, time-slot and venue. Being a totally computerised system, the results are ready as soon as the last slot of examination is complete.
Although the proposed system is very ambitious yet it would face many techno legal challenges in India. Both technical and legal issues of online examination system of India must be thoroughly tested before its launch in India. For instance, cyber security of online education system of India and online examination system of India must be put at place before using any such systems. In short, online examination system of India must be field tested before its use at large scale in India.
Once such online education system and online examination system is put at place, it may greatly help in the establishment of virtual campuses in India. The corruption in higher education in India is well known and virtual campuses can eliminate higher educational corruption in India.
Presently, corruption and irregularities are undermining the higher education in India. This is more so regarding the higher legal education in India that is in real mess. If we rely upon the sources that have themselves witnessed this arbitrariness, irregularities and corruption, then it is clear that PhDs in India are dying. The truth is that higher legal education in India needs urgent reforms.
Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) strongly recommends formulation of a techno legal framework for online education in India and online examination in India. PTLB is already providing various techno legal e-learning courses in India through its online education platform. The techno legal e-learning in India by PTLB is exclusive in nature as it is the only institution that is providing techno legal online education in India. PTLB is also providing trainings and courses for bar examinations in India and bar entrances in India. PTLB wish that the national online examination system of India be a great success.
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